Our Story

Founding membersThe Michael LoVerme Memorial Foundation was founded in July of 2012 by friends and family members in the wake of Michael’s accident.  Originally limited to a Memorial Race to fund a scholarship, the organization quickly grew into a full-fledged charitable foundation devoted to remembering Mike and continuing his legacy of service through charitable donations, community outreach and volunteer action.

In our first year of existence, the Michael LoVerme Memorial Foundation held our inaugural Memorial 5k Run/Walk in October 2012, involving about 300 participants and volunteers and raising money for further Foundation actions and donations.  In 2013, the Foundation received over twenty essays and projects for the first annual Memorial Scholarship and awarded it to a Merrimack High School graduating senior whose project exemplified Mike’s devotion to service.  In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, the Foundation also donated funds to the One Fund to aid those affected.

The Foundation is also hosts an annual Computer Clinic in addition to other service and donation opportunities.